Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Tribute to Michael jackson

Just Beat It! Beat It! Beat It! Beat It! Just Beat it!
What a Shock! Heart is crying! Soul is dying!
And your singing voice echoes inside of my head
For now our king is dead, for now our king is dead
Who could move across that enormous stage
With such magical grace and style to cherish
You could turn a quiet crowd into a frenzied rage
You demanded my attention, your presence was felt
My eyes would laugh whilst you grabbed your belt
You spun round and round your jacket twirling in the air
There was fire in my soul, embers dancing everywhere
This cannot be! This cannot be true! How sudden indeed!
Many people critized, things they could not prove
But you stood strong! Oh the days were long!
But still, they could not take away your groove!
You caught our hearts with your touching Rod
Long Live the King! Long Live the king! Long Live the King!
Michael Jackson, moon walking with our Heavenly God!

1 Comment:

  1. sivanes said...
    Dear Ranjitha, super post! really thouching & heart warming.
    A wonderful tribute to the "pop King" MJ.

    May his soul rest in peace!

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